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Caroline Clark

I earned a B.A. in English and Spanish, an M.A. in Spanish Education, and spent twelve years as a Spanish educator before becoming a ceramicist and sculptor. Largely self-taught, I've developed my own processes and techniques in my craft. Always a creative person, the birth of my son in 2016 brought a crippling postpartum depression that robbed me of the desire to create. When he was two, he became obsessed with coral reefs, and we read every book and watched every documentary I could find. Here, I finally began to feel my curiosity and creativity being sparked again by the strange and otherworldly systems of support and survival in coral reefs, and they became the first subjects for my sculptures. I committed myself to learning and creating as much as possible, and in January of 2022 I began participating in juried art shows and markets.

I believe in magic. Not the potions and poof! kind, not the creation of another more beautiful and mysterious world, but the deep and unshakable knowledge that this, our world, is more extraordinary, strange, and awe-inspiring than any I could imagine. My work highlights that magic, refines and amplifies it, revealing a world nestled into the fabric of our own. I explore and highlight a sense of joy and wonder in everyday items, with an emphasis on detail, growth, and movement.


My creations are primarily functional, expressing the belief in cultivating beauty and magic and in the ordinary objects we use daily.  I explore my own variations of the hidden symbiotic systems of coral reefs and mycelium networks: systems that seem simple at first, but upon closer examination are wildly complicated and predicated on mutual care. These systems in which every part depends on the others, in which every part is vital and precious, draw a parallel to our human communities and support systems and invite examination of our own interconnectedness and effect on the people around us. My work is tactile and meant to be held and used.

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